College Resources

Below are resources provided by the college that may help you in class. You will find links to the Ivy Tech Library as well as help with IvyLearn.
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College Resources

Ivy Tech Library’s Discover! (click here) Links to an external site. - Ready for research? Start with Discover! Links to an external site. The search tool that helps you find the journal articles, books, videos, and other resources that you need to complete your coursework.

Ivy Tech & Hippo Campus  Links to an external site.-  Students can access interactive videos and readings for math, natural science, social science, and humanities. While these content areas might not be directly related to this course, students and instructors are encouraged to use this content as they see fit. 

Canvas Student Guides Links to an external site. - New to IvyLearn?  Not sure how to do something? IvyLearn is powered by Canvas. Check out the guides to learn more about the features and functionality! 

IvyLearn Student Resource Center - Click on this link to access the Student Resource Center. You will find help with IvyLearn, information about online courses, and access to other resources and services such as publisher guides, testing services,, and more.