M02 Learning Objectives and Content

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Define the transformation of the patterns of everyday life: the emergence of mass culture, religious, intellectual, artistic, and scientific developments, and a pluralistic national culture.
    • Identify periods of prosperity, technological change, and business expansion and how these developments shaped America's national character.
  • Reflect on U.S. American historical issues and themes and form coherent, defensible interpretations about their domestic and global impact.
    • Explain how the nation coped with the needs and demands of diverse groups in the quest for a better society.
    • Describe how diverse peoples have come together due to the tension they faced
    • Identity economic, political, religious, and social change and how these have shaped the country.
  • Trace and analyze the ride of reform and social movements.
    • Explain the major influences that contributed to reform impulses since 1865.
    • Identify the nation's struggle to maintain democratic order in an urban and industrial age.
  • Trace the expanding role of government in U.S. American society from the Civil War to the present.
    • Describe the debate over the appropriate role of government.
    • Identify how ideological shifts have affected government policies in dealing with economic, political, and social needs of the American people.
    • Describe the different political, economic, and social perspectives of the key political parties.

Here is the content for this module:

  • Go over everything in Learning Materials
    • Read: The Gilded Age (1870-1900)
    • Read: Age of Empire-American Foreign Policy (1890-1914)
    • Read: "Essay 1 - Readings and Writing Prompts" 
  • Read and Participate in the Discussion 2 activities
  • Submit Graded Assignments
    • M02: Discussion 2 (be sure to respond to the discussion prompt(s) and respond to at least 1 (one) classmate's discussion response)
    • M02: Quiz The Gilded Age (1870-1900)
    • M02: Quiz Age of Empire-American Foreign Policy (1890-1914)
    • Submit Essay No. 1
    • Submit Exam No. 1 (over Modules 1 and 2)

The content in each module is sequenced in the suggested order you should complete it.  When you are ready to get started on this module, click the Picture of a button with the text next on it. button below.