About Your Instructor

  • Total Reading Time
  • 0 minutes
  • 53 seconds

Me April 2019.jpg

Instructor Bio

Instructor Name: Amy Smith

Email Address: asmith600@ivytech.edu

Phone: (765) 719-6004

Office Hours:  Monday 10:30-12:30; Tuesday 1:30-2:30; Wednesday 10:30-12:30; Thursday 1:30-2:30

Preferred method of contact: Email - I usually respond within 48 hours.

The human body is awesome and fascinating! I feel so lucky that I get to teach material that is useful and applicable to everyone. Learning about the body and how it works allows us to make better and healthier decisions for ourselves and our families. I value an interactive and personal learning environment and I want to make sure you know that you're not alone in the course. Please contact me with questions, concerns or just to dig deeper into that week's material.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Purdue University and a Doctor of Chiropractic from Sherman Chiropractic College. I am a member of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) and League of Women Voters.