Course Syllabus

BIOL 107 Diversity of Life

16-Week Course Monday & Wednesdays 4:00pm to 6:20 am

Elkhart County Instruction Center:  Room 315

Ivy Tech Community College logo.

Professor George Twaddle                                                  


Work phone: 1-574-489-7001, ext. 025418 or text to ‪(574) 621-5146‬

Office Location: School of Arts, Sciences & Education (SASE), Room 237B 

220 Dean Johnson Blvd., South Bend, IN. 46601  

faccio io.jpg

Office Hours:  

     Monday/Wednesday  Mornings: 10 am to 12 pm - Elkhart Room 315 or Zoom

     Tuesday/Thursday Afternoons: 1 pm to 3 pm - South Bend Room 273B or Zoom

Or by by appointment outside of those times: email me and we can find a time.

You can make an appointment during the scheduled office hours through Ivy Advising or if it is easier for you by emailing me directly (   I welcome inquiries regarding advising as well as those surrounding course work at Ivy Tech, as I am also the Chair of Natural Science for South Bend/Elkhart. I will respond to you within 24 hours.  Please make you inquiries through email if possible (as opposed to phone)  for an expedited response.

Zoom room to an external site.  This link will take you right there.


Required Course Materials and Connections

1. Textbook


Benchling Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)

and Laboratory Manual Links to an external site.

Sign-up and ask to join:

"Ivy Tech SBE - Diversity of Life (BIOL 107)

Course Policies & Procedures

COURSE ATTENDANCE (General College Policy)

Students are expected to attend and participate regularly in class meetings whether they be in a live or virtual  format, online learning activities, and other activities assigned as a part of a course of instruction. Faculty are required to report student participation in compliance with institutional policies and federal financial aid guidelines. Faculty and staff shall be sensitive to students’ religious beliefs and observances, including an expectation that instructors make reasonable arrangements when a student must miss an exam or other academic exercise due to their religious observance. When notified in advance, and when possible, faculty will make allowances for students to make up missed work.  

Attendance Policy – Don’t Get Dropped from Class!

Ivy Tech performs administrative drops for students who do not “attend” class in the First Week of an 8-Week Term or Second Week of a 16-Week term.  In order to be confirmed to be in attendance , students must complete an assignment in Ivy Learn within the monitored period.  If students do not complete and submit an assignment in this period, they will be dropped form the course.  

Important Course Administration Deadlines for

Fall 2023

Self-Withdrawal with  100% Refund  January 29th
Self-Withdrawal from the course to receive a "W" on one's transcript, as opposed to a final grade  April 14th

NB:  Withdrawal deadlines are 11:59pm (Eastern time) for the dates above.

If you are considering withdrawing from the course please DON'T JUST DISAPPEAR!  Please talk to me an contact me about your decision so that I can provide any needed relavant advice or options.  Withdrawing from a course may have financial aid repercussions, depending upon your circumstances, so it is important to also speak with someone in financial aid before moving forward with a decision.


Course Dates & Course Work Deadlines

The course will proceed according to the posted Course Schedule and posted deadlines.  Allowance for all students will be made for pacing and extenuating circumstances.  Any changes to the schedule will be announced, on the Announcements page and in-class. All activities in the course have an associated due date that is posted in the course calendar. 

A functioning internet connection is required to participate in the course.   Connectivity and internet outages are a recurrent issue so please communicate with your professor regarding circumstances that might prevent you from turning in your work on time.  Be proactive!  Please be aware that local libraries and all Ivy Tech Community College campuses can serve as alternative resources. Contact the closest/most convenient campus or other public lab for schedules and Internet availability.  Please reach out if you need assistance with getting internet access to Sandra Senatore-Roberts at ssenatorerobert@ivytech.eduLinks to an external site.  or Pod 7 directly at  or apply directly at (Links to an external site.)

  • If there is an outage of the IvyLearn system that is verified by central system administrators, instructors will provide an extension for students to submit work at no penalty.
  • If the student has documentation of serious illness or death of a family member, instructors will work with the student to determine an alternate deadline.

Grading and Evaluation:

Deadlines for the submission for course activities will be posted but can change depending upon circumstances.

Chapter Advance Organizer                                                                               25 @ 10 pts each 250 20%
Chapter Assignments                                                                                         25 @ 12 pts. each 300
Chapter Quizes                               10 @ 10 pts. ea. 100
News +5% extra credit
Laboratory Assignments                                                                              15 @ 10 pts. ea 150 20%


693 60%
Total Points


100% (+5%)


College Resources

Ivy Tech Technical Support: Help Desk

Phone: 1-888-IVY-LINE (1-888-489-5463), select option 4
Student Help Center: (Links to an external site.)
Submit a Help Ticket: to an external site.

Educational Technologies Support

Name: Educational Technologies Support 
Phone Number:574-289-5326 (SB)
Email (Ivy Tech Email): 

Educational Technologies

​SBE Libraries
On Campus
The Library is open for use of the computers and printers
South Bend:  M/T 10-6, W-F 10-2
Elkhart: M/T 10-6, W/TH 10-2
Online Research Assistance
Use the LibChat box to text or Zoom with library staff. Ask us anything!
    M-TH 10-10, F 10-2, Su 2-10
Email us any time at the Ask a Librarian link on the Library home page: to an external site.
Tutoring Services (online only)
Connect instantly with a tutor in the Tutoring Zoom Room
 M-TH 10-10, F 10-2, Su 6-10
Or make an appointment to meet with a tutor via email

Ivy Tech Online Learning Support...South Bend Elkhart

IvyOnline Learning Support for SB/Elkhart Campus

Name: Lisa Tolliver (extension 025326) or Dianna Pittman ( extension025347) of the campus main number 574-289-7001, if an operator is not available to direct your call.

Alternatively -Email:

Office/Campus Location: South Bend 158 / Elkhart 306

Zoom Room:  (Links to an external site.)

Zoom Rooms: (Links to an external site.)

Campus hours of service: South Bend Mon 12:00 pm - 4pm, Wed 12 pm - 4 pm, Elkhart Mon 11 am - 3pm or by appointment using the email address above.

College Policies & Support Services (link)

Disabilities Support Contact

for South Bend/Elkhart campus:

Sandra Senatore-Roberts, Director of Disability Support Services

Phone Number: 1-574-289-7001 EXT: 1002
Email (Ivy Tech Email):ssenatorerobert@ivytech.eduLinks to an external site.

South Bend location

220 Dean Johnson Blvd.
South Bend, IN  46601-3415
574-289-7001 ext. 1002

Elkhart County location

22531 County Road 18
Goshen, IN 46528
574-830-0375 ext. 4494

Regional DSS: to an external site.

Ivy Cares

IvyCares (formerly known as Pod 7) is here to support you through your academic journey – both in and out of the classroom. IvyCares offers a variety of services and can connect you with local resources for help with food assistance, counseling services, housing needs, transportation, health insurance, medical care, emergency financial assistance, legal services, and more. Email IvyCares at  or search for community resources 24/7 at (Links to an external site.) .

Students are strongly encourage to click the link above to review standard College policies and information on academic support services.


When College employees are made aware that sexual misconduct may have occurred, they are obligated to report that information to the SB/ELK Campus Title IX Coordinator:

Ivy Tech Community College is committed to providing all members of the College community with a learning and work environment free from sexual harassment and assault. Ivy Tech students have options for getting help if they have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, sexual harassment or stalking. This information can be found at to an external site..  

If students write or speak about having survived sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking, federal law and Ivy Tech policies require that instructors share this information with the Campus Title IX Coordinator. The Campus Title IX Coordinator will contact students to let them know about accommodations and support services at the College and in the community as well as options for holding accountable the person who harmed them. When contacted, students are not required to speak with the Campus Title IX Coordinator.   If students do not want the Title IX Coordinator notified, instead of disclosing this information to their instructor, students can speak confidentially with certain individuals at the College or in the community. A list of these individuals can be found at to an external site. under Confidential Employees and/or Community Resources.

Faculty Supervisor:

Kathryn Waltz-Freel,  Dean of the School of Arts, Science and Education                                             

574- 289-7001 extension 025417       220 Dean Johnson Blvd, Room 237 South Bend IN 46601





COURSE TITLE:  Biology II – Diversity of Life


PREREQUISITES:  Demonstrated competency through appropriate assessment or earning a grade of “C or better” in or ENGL 093 Introduction to College Writing and ENGL 083 Reading Strategies for College or ENGL 095 Integrated Reading and Writing and MATH 023 Essentials of Algebra I or MATH 080 Mathematics Principles with Algebra

SCHOOL:  Liberal Arts and Sciences

PROGRAM:  Liberal Arts


CONTACT HOURS:  Lecture: 3       Lab:  4




CATALOG DESCRIPTION:  Presents an in-depth introduction to biology including a survey of animal diversity, the fundamentals of plant and animal structure and function, principles of animal reproduction and development, and an overview of vertebrate anatomy, and coverage of population, community. Systems ecology and behavioral ecology are also addressed.


MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Upon successful completion of this course the student will be expected to:


  1. Identify and define the structure and function of plant, fungal, and animal tissues.
  2. Describe reproductive processes that occur in animals, plants, and fungi.
  3. Understand trends in organismal evolution and development.
  4. Describe signaling and communication systems in organisms.
  5. Define ecosystems in terms of relevant biotic and abiotic factors.
  6. Describe the life history patterns of living organisms.
  7. Understand how species interactions affect populations and how population dynamics contribute to community structures.
  8. Describe the flow of energy and nutrients in the ecosystem.
  9. Discuss major concepts of animal behavior including instinct, conditioned and learned behaviors, courtship, sexual selection, and altruism.
  10. Develop and demonstrate laboratory skills related to general biology including data recording, observation and measurement.
  11. Present scientific data orally and in written lab reports to demonstrate the ability to draw evidence-based conclusions.
  12. Identify and evaluate reliable primary sources of information and be able to write scientific literature reviews.


COURSE CONTENT:  Topical areas of study include –


Animal Behavior                                       Energy and Nutrient Flow

Animal Development                                Homeostasis

Animal Diversity                                      Plant Structure

Animal Reproduction                               Population Ecology

Animal Structure                                      Sexual Selection

Circulation and Gas Exchange                 Zoology

Community Ecology                                 Fungi



Course Summary:

Date Details Due