Course Syllabus

Ivy Tech Community College – Central Indiana
Math 137 –  Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
Fall 2017


Name: Matthew Kennedy

Phone: (317) 921-4290


Office: IFC 236

Assistant Department Chair

Name: Dorcas Parson

Phone: (317) 921-4462


Office: IFC 213

Office Hours: MW 11:00am-12:00pm, TR 2:00pm-3:30pm, Fridays by appointment

Class Information:  Section 0AH (CRN 34713), MW 9:30am – 10:50am, IFC 312

Credit Hours: 3

Contact Hours: 3 per week for 16 weeks


Required Materials:

  • Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytical Geometry, 13th Edition by Swokowski with Enhanced WebAssign Access Code – You have options so please select the option that best suits your needs.
    •  EWA code with ebook included (ebook covers both Math 136 and Math 137)
    • Softback version of textbook with EWA code (This will only cover Math 137)
    • Hardback version of textbook with EWA code (Covers both Math 136/137)


  • Online Homework System: WebAssign (
  • Online Homework Class Code: ivy tech 2149 4309
  • Scientific Calculator (see Math Department Policies, Calculators for more information)



WebAssign Homework:

WebAssign is used to provide you with examples that help you explore the content covered during class, and is REQUIRED for this course.  It must be purchased directly from the bookstore or online.  Each assignment contains 10-30 questions from the section covered, and is worth 10 points toward your overall grade.  Each assignment takes approximately 1-3 hours to complete, and it is the student’s responsibility to allow appropriate time to complete the assignments before the due dates indicated on your class schedule.  

The homework allows five submissions, question parts can be submitted individually, keeps a student’s LAST answer and students can save their answers without using a submission. You will also have access to available hints and tutorials when available.



There will be eight quizzes that you will take administered through WebAssign.  Each quiz will contain 10 questions and will be worth 25 points towards your overall grade.  The lowest two quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.  You will have three attempts for each problem to get the highest score possible.  Quizzes should take about one hour to complete.  The hints usually provided by WebAssign for homework problems will be turned off until after the due date, but you can still use any notes you have taken by hand.  Your goal should be to answer as many questions as you can without using your notes, so that you can better prepare for unit tests and the final exam. 

Practice Final Exams:

There will be two practice final exams, the first reviewing Units 1 and 2, and the second reviewing Units 3 and 4.  There will be 45 problems on each practice final exam, and will be worth 25 points each.  These assignments will be presented in quiz form, so no hints will be provided.  You will have three attempts for each problem to get the highest score possible.  It is recommended that you use no notes to complete this assignment, to give you the best idea as to how you will do on the actual final exam.


Unit Tests and Final Exam:

You will have four unit tests during the semester and a final exam during the scheduled examination period.  The tests will consist of a series of problems representative of the content covered up to the end of the unit including review concepts.  Each unit test will be worth 100 points.  The fours test scores will count in your grade.  The final exam will be comprehensive and will be worth 200 points.  It is very important that you take each test on schedule.

Each test and the final exam will have a portion for which you will not be permitted to use a calculator.  The portions test key concepts and relationships that you must learn by memory.

If your score on the final exam [in percent form] is better than your lowest unit test score, your percent on the final will replace your lowest unit test score. If you receive a zero for cheating on an exam, the final exam score cannot replace that score.

If you are absent when a test is given in class, you will receive a grade of zero for the test. The final exam score [as a percent] will replace this zero at the end of the semester. Any additional missed exams will be scored as zeros.


All students must take the whole final exam to pass the course.



No notes, formula sheets, or other documentation may be used during any quiz or test except those which have been approved by the course coordinator and provided by your instructor.


GRADES are based on the following

WebAssign homework (20 x 10 pts.)

200 points

Quizzes (6 of 8 x 25 pts., lowest two dropped)

150 points

Practice Final Exams (2 x 25 pts.)

50 points

Chapter Tests (4 x 100 pts.)

400 points

Final Exam (1 x 200 pts.)

200 points


1000 points



Important Dates:

Change of Enrollment:  Changes in enrollment must occur within the first week of classes.  Changes after this time period must be documented and will only be approved in extenuating circumstances.

Last day to withdraw without academic approval:           

16 weeks course – November 11th, 2017

Dropping or withdrawing from classes can affect your financial aid.  Contact the Financial Aid office for more information.  Withdraws after this date must be approved by instructor, department chair, and dean and must include written documentation of extenuating circumstances which prevented withdrawing before the deadline.

Make-Up Policies:

Per department-wide policy, a missed test cannot be made up.  No exceptions!  If you are absent when a test is given in class and you are unable to make arrangements to take the test in the testing window, you will receive a grade of zero for that test.  At the end of the semester, your final exam percentage will replace that missed test. If you do not miss a test, your final exam percentage (if higher) will replace your lowest (ONE) test score. 

Final Exam:

The final exam is required for all Ivy Tech math courses.  If you do not take the final exam, you will receive a final grade of FW.  You may contact your instructor if you wish to see your final exam, but final exams will not be returned to students.


When students are allowed use of a calculator in the course, only a handheld non-programmable scientific calculator may be used.  It is important that you bring your calculator to every class session to learn how to use it in the context of the course materials.  Graphing calculators, cell phones, or other electronic or internet enabled devices are not allowed.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure their calculator complies with these requirements. (Failure to come to class prepared with an appropriate calculator may result in the student completing that class’s work by hand.)

Academic Honesty / Cheating:

Students are expected to abide by the Ivy Tech Academic Integrity policy.   Academic dishonesty is defined by the College as intentional acts or omission including cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, fabrication or falsification of data, and will not be tolerated. 

Cheating, or the appearance of cheating, will result in a grade of zero on the assignment, project, quiz, or test/exam.  Should a student earn a zero on a test as a result of cheating, that zero CANNOT be replaced by the final exam percentage.

ADA Statement:

Ivy Tech Community College seeks to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with documented disabilities. If you need an accommodation because of a documented disability, please contact the Office of Disability Support Services. If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation, notify your instructor immediately. Look for evacuation procedures posted in your classroom.

Statement of Inclusion:

The University and Transfer Division acknowledges our shared humanity and the dignity and inherent worth of all people. By committing to an inclusive learning environment where all persons are respected, we enhance the value of the college experience.

Right of Revision:

The above classroom rules and procedures are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.



As a student, your responsibilities, at a minimum, are the following:

Attend and participate in each class session.

Attending class regularly is vital to your success in this course. You are expected to arrive to class on time prepared to actively participate in every class with your assignments completed.  Late arrival or early departure from class is a disruption of the academic process and is highly discouraged. If you must be late or leave early, please discuss your situation with your instructor and arrive or leave the classroom quietly. Attendance will be taken at every class session.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they sign-in and/or participate in class activities for attendance, as required by your instructor.


Students who are present, prepared, and participate in each class session are in the best position to succeed in class. College classes require commitment and hard work; if you are falling behind due to conflicts outside of school (work, family, social activities, etc.) it is up to you to notify your instructor. Remember, they are there to help, but if you don’t let your instructor know what is going on, no change can occur.

If you do miss a class, understand that you are then responsible for learning the material covered in class. You can do this by reading the textbook, by making a copy of the notes from a classmate, and by reviewing the assignments the sections that were covered. Per Math Department policy, any graded activity during that missed class is not allowed to be made up.

Pay your tuition in a timely fashion.

If you are dropped from class due to failure to pay your tuition in the required timeframe, the Math Department and your instructor are not required to re-admit you to class.

Check your Ivy Tech email on a regular basis.

The most effective means of course communication is via the Ivy Tech email system. Failure to check your Ivy Tech email is not an excuse for any missed assignment. Further, class cancellations, campus closings, and other important information will be sent via Ivy Tech email.

Please turn off and put away any electronic device.

Not only will use of an electronic device divert your attention from the course, but it will also distract your professor and fellow classmates. If you use a laptop or tablet to take class notes, please ask your instructor if they have any objections to such use.


HELP:  Several sources of assistance for this course are available.

1)         Instructor 

Feel free to talk to your instructor about any problems or difficulties you are having with the class. They are there to help you be successful in the course.


2)         Your Fellow Students

Help each other in class, Form study groups to meet outside of class, Provide assistance to those who were absent.

3)         Tutoring:  The Learning Center





LRC 101



Mon – Thurs, 8am – 7pm

Fri, 8am – 5pm

Sat 9am – 2pm

Mon-Thurs, 9am – 5:30 pm


Many other Ivy Tech sites offer tutoring hours as well.  Contact the front desk at your location for more information.


4)         Online help:  There are numerous websites that offer tutorials, videos, and practice problems.  A few recommended sites are:  Free online tutoring available to Ivy Tech students.  Log on to IvyLearn and look for a box labeled “”.


5)         Disability Support Services:  If you need an accommodation due to a documented disability, you are required to register with Disability Support Services at the beginning of each semester. DSS offices are located at NMC 129.  Appointments are available every other week at Lawrence.  Contact the DSS office at 317-921-4982 or Susan Simon at for assistance.  If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation (look for evacuation procedures posted in your classroom), notify your instructor immediately.


5)         Library:  The textbook is on reserve in the Library at the Julia Carson Learning Resource Center and at Fairbanks.  

Course Summary:

Date Details Due